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Danfoss Condensing Units
Danfoss Condensing Units
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1 - 100 von 115 Artikel(n)
Danfoss Gabinete para Unidad Condensadora Optyma Microcanal de 3.5 a 4.5HP incluye 5 Piezas 191U127660P01, 191U127660P02, 191U127660P03, 191U127660P04 and 191U127660P05, 119-7997
1.311,58 $
Danfoss Gabinete para Unidad Condensadora Optyma Microcanal de 5.5 a 7HP incluye 4 Piezas191U127760P01, 191U127760P02, 191U127760P03 and 191U127760P04, 119-7998
1.616,98 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ036D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ36-3 115N0286
3.252,00 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ019D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 1.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ19-1 115N0269
2.737,60 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ022D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ22-1 115N0273
2.858,00 $
Danfoss OP-HGZ064D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 5.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventiladores con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ064-3 115N0655
4.910,80 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ019D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 1.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ19-3 115N0270
2.737,60 $
Danfoss Serpentin Condensadora Microcanal para unidades HGZ 64 to 100 191U0645E
2.505,80 $
Aspa 18pulg Para Unidad Condensadora Hcm(Z)028 - 100 7002001 119-5606
144,78 $
Danfoss OP-LJZ068D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3HP LBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ068-1 115N0686
4.748,40 $
Danfoss HPUS019D20Q Unidad Condensadora 2.5HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack 1 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ019T3 58dB 115F0664
6.867,78 $
Danfoss Serpentin Condensadora Microcanal MCHE, D8 Coil + base del ventilador 193U8024E
1.065,90 $
Danfoss Serpentin Condensadora Microcanal para unidades G8 Hj28-36 Lj96-108 191U0643E
703,84 $
Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma Microcanal Op-Hjm028d39n - Op-Hjz036d39e / Op-Hnu015d40n - Op-Hnu021d40e (2.5 - 3.0hp) Danfoss 191U127467 G8 1197996
1.117,92 $
Danfoss Serpentin Condensadora Microcanal para unidades J8 Hj40-64 Lj136 191U0644E
2.932,86 $
Danfoss OP-LJZ068D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3HP LBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ068-3 115N0687
4.748,40 $
Danfoss OP-LJZ048D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2HP LBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ048-3 115N0679
4.456,00 $
Danfoss OP-LJZ048D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2HP LBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ048-1 115N0678
4.456,00 $
Danfoss OP-HGZ064D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 5.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventiladores con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ064-1 115N0654
4.910,80 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ022D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ22-3 115N0274
3.376,96 $
Danfoss OP-HBZ380D49Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 10HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404A,R22, Lubricante POE, 2 Ventiladores, Compresor Semi Hermetico HG(X)34e/380-4S 115F0728
16.612,20 $
Danfoss Serpentin Condensadora Microcanal MCHE, Q8 Coil + base del ventilador 193U8025E
3.068,98 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ050D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 4.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ050-1 115N0348
6.324,40 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ022D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ22-3 115N0331
4.249,60 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ022D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ22-1 115N0330
4.249,60 $
Danfoss OP-HGZ125D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 10HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ125-3 115N0318
8.999,20 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ050D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 4.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ50-3 115N0298
4.545,68 $
Danfoss OP-HJZ036D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ36-1 115N0285
3.252,00 $
Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 3.5HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPUS026D20N 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ026-1 58dB 115F0669
8.197,96 $
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Danfoss OP-HBZ315D49Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 7.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404A,R22, Lubricante POE, 2 Ventiladores, Compresor Semi Hermetico HG(X)34e/315-4S 115F0726
13.542,00 $
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Danfoss 119-4540 Serpentin Microcanal Q8 para Unidad Condensadora
2.814,88 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma Microcanal Op-Hgm125d39q - Op-Hgz160d39e / Op-Hru058d40q - Op-Hru076d40e (10.0 - 13.0hp) Danfoss 191U127867 Q8
2.265,70 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma Microcanal Op-Hgm064d39n - Op-Hjz100d39e / Op-Lgz215d40q - Op-Op-Lgz271d40e (5.5 - 7.0hp) Danfoss 191U127767 N8
1.616,98 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma Microcanal Op-Hjm040d39n - Op-Hjz050d39e / Op-Ljz108d40n - Op-Ljz136d40e (3.5 - 4.5hp) Danfoss 191U127667 J8
1.311,58 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma Microcanal Op-Hjm018d39n - Op-Hjm022d39n / Op-Ljz048d40n Op-Ljz068d40e (1.5 - 2.0hp ) Danfoss 191U127367 D8
928,32 $
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Ensamble De Motor 220v, Aspa Y Rejilla Para Unidad Condensadora Hcm(Z)028 - 100 Rejilla 18pulg Para Unidad Condensadora Hcm(Z)028 - 100
201,74 $
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Danfoss 191U13942E Aspa 450x152x12, 18 pulg, D450MM Sirve: Danfoss HPM(Z)P022, HPUS030
212,46 $
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Danfoss OP-LJZ271D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 11.5HP LBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventiladores Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ271-3 115N0721
12.080,00 $
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Danfoss OP-LJZ215D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 9HP LBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventiladores Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ215-3 115N0720
11.048,00 $
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Danfoss OP-LJZ136D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 6HP LBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ136-3 115N0705
8.268,00 $
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Danfoss OP-LJZ136D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 6HP LBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ136-1 115N0704
8.268,00 $
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Danfoss OP-LJZ108D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 4.5HP LBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ108-3 115N0689
6.548,00 $
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Danfoss OP-LJZ108D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 4.5HP LBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ108-1 115N0688
6.548,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ160D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 12HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ160-3 115N0367
12.680,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ125D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 9.5.HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ125-3 115N0363
11.648,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ100D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 9HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ100-3 115N0361
10.188,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ080D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 7HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ080-3 115N0359
8.640,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ064D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 5.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventiladores Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ064-3 115N0657
6.748,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ064D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 5.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventiladores Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ064-1 115N0656
6.748,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ050D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 4.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ050-3 115N0349
6.324,40 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ040D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ040-3 115N0343
5.516,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ040D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ040-1 115N0342
5.516,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ036D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ36-3 115N0340
4.728,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ036D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ36-1 115N0339
4.728,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ028D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Inclousre con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ28-1 115N0333
4.590,40 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ019D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 1.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ19-3 115N0328
3.936,56 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ019D40N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 1.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ19-1 115N0327
3.936,56 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ160D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 12HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ160-3 115N0324
9.670,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ100D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 9HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ100-3 115N0315
7.594,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HGZ080D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 7HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 2 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ80-3 115N0312
6.304,00 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ028D40Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador Gabinete con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ28-3 115N0334
4.590,40 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ050D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 4.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ50-1 115N0297
4.545,68 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ040D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ40-3 115N0290
3.830,16 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ040D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 3.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ40-1 115N0289
3.830,16 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ028D39Q Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2.5HP MBP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ28-3 115N0278
2.723,60 $
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Danfoss OP-HJZ028D39N Unidad Condensadora Microcanal 2.5HP MBP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134a,R404A,R448A,R449A,R452A,R513A Lubricante POE 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ28-1 115N0277
3.217,60 $
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Aspa Ventilador Danfoss 191U139420E Sirve: SlimPack
465,44 $
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Unidad Condensacion 24hp R404 230v/3ph/60hz Lbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0567 Lz0018d50q
82.274,82 $
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Unidad Condensacion 18hp R404 230v/3ph/60hz Lbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0565 Lz0014d50q
70.881,84 $
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Unidad Condensacion 15hp R404 230v/3ph/60hz Lbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0563 Lz0012d50q
67.259,90 $
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Unidad Condensacion 27hp R404 / R22 230v/3ph/60hz Mbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0561 Hu5100d50q
90.038,24 $
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Unidad Condensacion 23hp R404 / R22 230v/3ph/60hz Mbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0559 Hu4500d50q
84.091,44 $
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Unidad Condensacion 18hp R404 / R22 230v/3ph/60hz Mbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0557 Hu3500d50q
70.108,16 $
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Unidad Condensacion 15hp R404 / R22 230v/3ph/60hz Mbp Danfoss Optyma Trio 115f0555 Hu2900d50q
67.259,90 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma 119-6045 E6 9.0 - 13.5hp
5.122,20 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma 119-6044 E5 5.0 - 7.5hp
3.904,80 $
Nicht auf Lager
Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma 119-6043 E4 3.0 - 4.0hp
3.741,70 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma 119-6042 E3 2.5 - 3.0hp
2.823,92 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma 119-6041 E2 1.5 - 2.0hp
1.860,58 $
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Gabinete Para Unidad Condensacion Optyma 119-6040 E1 Hasta 1hp
1.621,66 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 6HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404, R448, R449, R452 LBP Optyma Slim Pack LPUS018D20Q 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll LLZ018-2 64dB 115F0684
14.618,86 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 5HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404, R448, R449, R452A LBP Optyma Slim Pack LPUS015D20Q 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll LLZ015-2 64dB 115F0682
13.830,00 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 4HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404, R448A, R449A, R452A LBP Optyma Slim Pack LPUS013D20Q 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll LLZ013-2 64dB 115F0680
13.336,94 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 2HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404, R452 LBP Slim Pack LPZP068D20Q 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ068-3 57dB 115F0625
8.589,60 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 2HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R404, R452 LBP Slim Pack LPZP068D20N 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ068-1 57dB 115F0624
8.589,60 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 1.5HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R404, R452 LBP Slim Pack LPZP019D20Q 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ48-3 57dB 115F0622
7.781,80 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 1.5HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R404, R452 LBP Slim Pack LPZP048D20N 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante NTZ48-1 57dB 115F0621
7.781,80 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 5HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Optyma Slim Pack HPUS038D20Q 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ038-3 61dB 115F0676
9.567,12 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 5HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Optyma Slim Pack HPUS038D20N 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ038-1 61dB 115F0675
9.567,12 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 4HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Optyma Slim Pack HPUS030D20Q 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ030-2 60dB 115F0673
9.760,52 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 4HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Optyma Slim Pack HPUS030D20N 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ030-1 60dB 115F0672
9.233,36 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 3.5HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPUS026D20Q 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ026-2 58dB 115F0670
7.788,36 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 3HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Optyma Slim Pack HPUS021D20Q 1 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ021-2 60dB 115F0667
7.011,88 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 3HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Optyma Slim Pack HPUS021D20N 1 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ021 58dB 115F0666
7.011,88 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 2.5HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPUS019D20N 1 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ019T1 58dB 115F0663
6.867,78 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 2HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPUS015D20Q 1 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ015-3 57dB 115F0661
6.575,76 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 2HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPUS015D20N 2 Ventilador con Compresor Scroll MLZ015-1 57dB 115F0660
6.575,76 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 1.5HP 230V/3Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPZP019D20Q 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ19-3 60dB 115F0601
5.338,66 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 1.5HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPZP019D20N 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ19-1 60dB 115F0600
5.338,66 $
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Danfoss Unidad Condensadora 2.5HP 230V/1Ph/60Hz R134, R404, R448, R449, R452, R513 MBP Slim Pack HPZP028D20N 1 Ventilador con Compresor Reciprocante MTZ28-1 58dB 115F0606
5.927,22 $
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1 - 100 von 115 Artikel(n)
Refrigerant Gases
Gas Cylinder
Refrigerant Gas R404A
Refrigerant Gas R410A
Ecox Portable
Ecox Ptac and Window
Ecox Air Curtains
Ecox Mini Split On Off
Ecox Air Handlers
Ecox Condensing Units
Ecox VRF Outdoor Units
Ecox Mini Split Inverter
Ecox VRF Indoor Units
Ecox VRF Accesories
Ecox Split Inverter
Home Appliances
Food Disposal
Clima-Flex Chillers ACC
Clima-Flex Chillers Accesories
HVAC and Refrigeration Parts
Appli Parts
Appli Parts AC and Refrigeration Motors
Appli Parts Air Conditioners parts
Appli Parts Commercial Refrigeration
Appli Parts Domestic Refrigeration
Appli Parts Power Protectors
Appli Parts Run Capacitors
Appli Parts Split Air Conditioner Parts
Appli Parts Start Capacitors
Appli Parts Tools
Appli Parts Vaccum Pumps
Appli Parts Vehicle AC Evaporators
Appli Parts Welding Equipment and Accesories
Appli Parts Insulation
Appli Parts Contactors
Appli Parts Manifolds
Appli Parts Air Conditioner Accessories
Appli Parts Tube Cutters
Appli Parts Potential Relays
Appli Parts Refrigerator Motors
Appli Parts Start Kit
Appli Parts Service Valves
Appli Parts Filter Driers
Appli Parts Ball Valve
Worthington Welding Equipment and Accesories
Compela Air Conditioners Parts
Compela Domestic Refrigeration
Copeland Compressor and Units
CTP Commercial Refrigeration Parts
CTP Copper Couplings
CTP Copper Elbows
CTP Copper Reducing Couplings
CTP Copper Tees
CTP Flexible Copper Tube
Danfoss AC and Refrigeration Motors
Danfoss Bock Compressors
Danfoss Controls and Components
Danfoss Frequency Converters
Danfoss Scroll Compressors
Danfoss Fractional Compressors and Units
Danfoss Domestic Refrigeration
Danfoss Maneurop Compressors
Danfoss Heating
Danfoss Condensing Units
Danfoss Filter Driers
Dosivac Vaccum Pumps
Dosivac Vacuum Pumps Parts
Ecox AC and Refrigeration Motors
Ecox Air Curtains Parts
Ecox Dehumidifiers Parts
Ecox Domestic Refrigeration
Ecox Air Conditioners Parts and Accesories
Ecox Compressors
Ecox Portable Parts
Ecox Roof Top Package Parts
Ecox Split Air Conditioner Parts
Ecox Ptac Window Parts
Ecox VRF Parts
Emerson Commercial Refrigeration
GE AC and Refrigeration Motors
Oil and Lubricants
Vacuum Pumps
Leak Detectors
Refrigeration System Maintenance
Condenser and Evaporator Maintenance
Glues and Sealers
Welding Equipment and Accesories
Bronze Rings and Unions
Capillary Tube
AC and Refrigeration Motors
Flexible Copper Tube
Ridgid Copper Tube
Duct Air Conditioners Parts
Air Conditioners Parts
Commercial Refrigeration
Electrical Accesories
Robertshaw Commercial Refrigeration
Robertshaw Domestic Refrigeration
Keeprite Evaporators
Lambro HVAC Parts
LG Fractional Compressors
LG Rotary Compressors
Berry Plastic
Polyken and Nashua Tapes
Oyon Rotary Compressors
Oyon OEJ Evaporators
Oyon OEA Evaporators
Oyon OEB, OED, OEF Evaporators
Oyon HVAC Accesories and Parts
Oyon OCA Condenser
Oyon Cold Rooms
Oyon Condensing Units
Ranco Commercial Refrigeration
Ranco Domestic Refrigeration
Sanyo Panasonic
Sanyo Panasonic Compressors
Sauermann Condensing Pumps
Tecumseh Brazil Compressors and Units
Tecumseh USA Compressors and Units
Uniweld Tools
Uniweld Vacuum Pumps
Uniweld Welding Equipment and Accesories
White Rodgers
White Rodgers Duct Air Conditioners Parts
Harris Welding Equipment and Accesories
Lucas Milhaupt
Lucas Milhaupt Welding Equipment and Accesories
Regal Beloit Motors
Fasco Motors
Marathon Motors
Genteq Motors
Century Motors
Full Gauge
Full Gauge Controls
Full Gauge Controls HV
US Motors
HVAC and Refrigeration US Motors
Invotech AC Scroll Compressors
Modine Coating Protectors
Onezone HVAC Accesories
Braeburn Thermostats
Armaflex Insulation
Supco HVAC and Refrigeration Parts
Emkarate Oil
GMCC Compressors
Kingspan Insulated Panel
Aerofoam, Aeroduct
Aeroduct Insulated Duct
Clearway Curtains and Doors
Clearway Hardware
Yellow Jacket
Yellow Jacket Tools
Appliance Parts
Whirlpool Refrigerator Parts
Whirlpool Dryer Parts
Whirlpool Dishwasher Parts
Whirlpool Microwave Parts
Whirlpool Range, Stove, Oven Parts
Whirlpool Water Filters
Whirlpool Washing Machine Parts
Whirlpool Ice Maker Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Agitator Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Suspension Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Pumps Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Valve Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Door Switch Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Motors Parts
Whirlpool Washing Machine Switch Parts
Appli Parts
Appli Parts Refrigerator Parts
Appli Parts Dryer Parts
Appli Parts Microwave Capacitors
Appli Parts Range, Stove, Oven parts
Appli Parts Water Filter
Appli Parts Washing Machine Parts
Appli Parts Washing Machine Pumps
Appli Parts Washing Machine Door Switch
Electrolux Refrigerator Parts
Electrolux Dryer Parts
Electrolux Dishwasher Parts
Electrolux Range, Stove, Oven Parts
Electrolux Water Filter
Electrolux Washing Machine Parts
GE Refrigerator Parts
GE Dryer Parts
GE Dishwasher Parts
GE Microwave Parts
GE Range, Stove, Oven Parts
GE Water Filters
GE Washing Machine Parts
GE Ice Maker Parts
Appliance Accessories
Appliance Accessories
Appliance Care
Kenmore Dryer Parts
Kenmore Washing Machine Parts
Mabe Refrigerator Parts
Mabe Dryer Parts
Mabe Range, Stove, Oven Parts
Mabe Washing Machine Parts
Refrigerator Parts
Dryer Parts
Dishwasher Parts
Range, Stove, Oven Parts
Washing Machine Parts
Kitchenaid Blenders Parts
Oster Blenders Parts
Samsung Refrigerator Parts
Samsung Dryer Parts
Samsung Water Filters
Samsung Washing Machine Parts
LG Refrigerator Parts
LG Microwave Parts
LG Water Filters
LG Washing Machine Parts
Robertshaw Appliances Parts
Supco Appliance Parts
Industrial Division
Danfoss Fluid Controls
Danfoss Solenoid Valves
Danfoss Valves Coils
Danfoss Pneumatically Operated Valves
Danfoss Pressure Transmitters
Danfoss Pressure Transmitters
Danfoss Sensors
Danfoss Temperature Sensors
Danfoss Switches
Danfoss Pressure Switch
Danfoss Temperature Switch
Danfoss Contactors and Motors Starters
Danfoss Contactors
Danfoss Overload Relays
Danfoss HVACR Components
Danfoss Valves
Danfoss Ammonia Products
Danfoss Co2 Products
Electronics Solutions
Kontroll Electronics Poducts
Danfoss Electronics Products
Teco Westinghouse
Teco Westinghouse Motors
Teco Westinghouse Drives
US Motors
General Purpose Single Phase Motors
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